Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

The Relative Clouses and Relative Pronoun

The Relative Clause
Recognize a relative clause when you see one. A relative clause—also called an adjective or adjectival clause—will meet three requirements. • First, it will contain a subject and verb. • Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [who, whom, whose, that, or which] or a relative adverb [when, where, or why]. • Finally, it will function as an adjective, answering the questions What kind? How many? or Which one? The relative clause will follow one of these two patterns: relative pronoun or adverb + subject + verb relative pronoun as subject + verb Here are some examples: Which Francine did not accept Which = relative pronoun; Francine = subject; did accept = verb [not, an adverb, is not officially part of the verb]. Where George found Amazing Spider-Man #96 in fair condition Where = relative adverb; George = subject; found = verb. That dangled from the one clean bathroom towel That = relative pronoun functioning as subject; dangled = verb. Who continued to play video games until his eyes were blurry with fatigue Who = relative pronoun functioning as subject; played = verb. Avoid creating a sentence fragment. A relative clause does not express a complete thought, so it cannot stand alone as a sentence. To avoid writing a fragment, you must connect each relative clause to a main clause. Read the examples below. Notice that the relative clause follows the word that it describes. To calm his angry girlfriend, Joey offered an apology which Francine did not accept. We tried our luck at the same flea market where George found Amazing Spider-Man #96 in fair condition. Michelle screamed when she saw the spider that dangled from the one clean bathroom towel. Brian said goodnight to his roommate Justin, who continued to play video games until his eyes were blurry with fatigue. Punctuate a relative clause correctly. Punctuating relative clauses can be tricky. For each sentence, you will have to decide if the relative clause is essential or nonessential and then use commas accordingly. Essential clauses do not require commas. A relative clause is essential when you need the information it provides. Look at this example: The children who skateboard in the street are especially noisy in the early evening. Children is nonspecific. To know which ones we are talking about, we must have the information in the relative clause. Thus, the relative clause is essential and requires no commas. If, however, we eliminate children and choose more specific nouns instead, the relative clause becomes nonessential and does require commas to separate it from the rest of the sentence. Read this revision:
Relative Pronoun
A relative pronoun is a pronoun that marks a relative clause within a larger sentence. It is called a relative pronoun because it relates the relative (and hence subordinate) clause to the noun that it modifies. In English, the relative pronouns are: who, whom, whose, whoever, whosesoever, which, and, in some treatments, that. In addition, English has various fused relative pronouns, which combine in one word the antecedent and the relative pronoun: what, whatever, whatsoever, whoever, whosoever, whomever, whomsoever, whichever, and whichsoever, A relative pronoun links two clauses into a single complex clause. It is similar in function to a subordinating conjunction. Unlike a conjunction, however, a relative pronoun stands in place of a noun. Compare: (1) This is a house. Jack built this house. (2) This is the house that Jack built. Sentence (2) consists of two clauses, a main clause (This is the house) and a relative clause (that Jack built). The word that is a relative pronoun in some analyses.[1] Within the relative clause, the relative pronoun stands for the noun phrase it references in the main clause (its antecedent), and is one of the arguments of the verb in the relative clause. In the example, the argument is the house, the direct object of built. Other arguments can be relativised using relative pronouns: Subject: Hunter is the boy who kissed Jessica. Indirect object: Hunter is the boy to whom Jessica gave a gift./Hunter is the boy who Jessica gave a gift to. Adpositional complement: Jack built the house in which I now live. (similarly with prepositions and prepositional phrases in general, for example These are the walls in between which Jack ran.) Possessor: Jack is the boy whose friend built my house. In some languages, such as German and Latin, which have gender, number, and noun declensions, the relative pronoun agrees with its antecedent in gender and number, while its case indicates its relationship with the verb in the relative clause. In some other languages, the relative pronoun is an invariable word. The words used as relative pronouns are often words which originally had other functions: for example, the English which is also an interrogative word. This suggests that relative pronouns might be a fairly late development in many languages. Some languages, such as Welsh, do not have relative pronouns. In English and German, different pronouns are sometimes used if the antecedent is a human being, as opposed to a non-human or an inanimate object (as in who/that). (5) This is a bank. This bank accepted my identification. (6) She is a bank teller. She helped us open an account. With the relative pronouns, sentences (5) and (6) would read like this: (7) This is the bank that accepted my identification. (8) She is the bank teller who helped us open an account. In sentences (7) and (8), the words that and who are the relative pronouns. The word that is used because the bank is a thing; the word who is used because "she" is a person. In some languages with relative clauses, such as Mandarin Chinese, there are no relative pronouns. In English, the relative pronoun may be optionally omitted, particularly in speech, from a restrictive relative clause — that is, one which contributes to establishing the identity of the antecedent — if the relative pronoun would serve as the object of the verb or of a stranded preposition in the relative clause (as in This is the car I bought = This is the car that I bought or This is the car you heard of = This is the car of which you heard).

Kamis, 26 April 2012

Passive and Active Voices

Passive and Active Voices Verbs are also said to be either active (The executive committee approved the new policy) or passive (The new policy was approved by the executive committee) in voice. In the active voice, the subject and verb relationship is straightforward: the subject is a be-er or a do-er and the verb moves the sentence along. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is neither a do-er or a be-er, but is acted upon by some other agent or by something unnamed (The new policy was approved). Computerized grammar checkers can pick out a passive voice construction from miles away and ask you to revise it to a more active construction. There is nothing inherently wrong with the passive voice, but if you can say the same thing in the active mode, do so (see exceptions below). Your text will have more pizzazz as a result, since passive verb constructions tend to lie about in their pajamas and avoid actual work. We find an overabundance of the passive voice in sentences created by self-protective business interests, magniloquent educators, and bombastic military writers (who must get weary of this accusation), who use the passive voice to avoid responsibility for actions taken. Thus "Cigarette ads were designed to appeal especially to children" places the burden on the ads — as opposed to "We designed the cigarette ads to appeal especially to children," in which "we" accepts responsibility. At a White House press briefing we might hear that "The President was advised that certain members of Congress were being audited" rather than "The Head of the Internal Revenue service advised the President that her agency was auditing certain members of Congress" because the passive construction avoids responsibility for advising and for auditing. One further caution about the passive voice: we should not mix active and passive constructions in the same sentence: "The executive committee approved the new policy, and the calendar for next year's meetings was revised" should be recast as "The executive committee approved the new policy and revised the calendar for next year's meeting." Take the quiz (below) as an exercise in recognizing and changing passive verbs. The passive voice does exist for a reason, however, and its presence is not always to be despised. The passive is particularly useful (even recommended) in two situations: • When it is more important to draw our attention to the person or thing acted upon: The unidentified victim was apparently struck during the early morning hours. • When the actor in the situation is not important: The aurora borealis can be observed in the early morning hours. The passive voice is especially helpful (and even regarded as mandatory) in scientific or technical writing or lab reports, where the actor is not really important but the process or principle being described is of ultimate importance. Instead of writing "I poured 20 cc of acid into the beaker," we would write "Twenty cc of acid is/was poured into the beaker." The passive voice is also useful when describing, say, a mechanical process in which the details of process are much more important than anyone's taking responsibility for the action: "The first coat of primer paint is applied immediately after the acid rinse." We use the passive voice to good effect in a paragraph in which we wish to shift emphasis from what was the object in a first sentence to what becomes the subject in subsequent sentences. The executive committee approved an entirely new policy for dealing with academic suspension and withdrawal. The policy had been written by a subcommittee on student behavior. If students withdraw from course work before suspension can take effect, the policy states, a mark of "IW" . . . . The paragraph is clearly about this new policy so it is appropriate that policy move from being the object in the first sentence to being the subject of the second sentence. The passive voice allows for this transition.† Passive Verb Formation The passive forms of a verb are created by combining a form of the "to be verb" with the past participle of the main verb. Other helping verbs are also sometimes present: "The measure could have been killed in committee." The passive can be used, also, in various tenses. Let's take a look at the passive forms of "design." Tense Subject Auxiliary Past Participle Singular Plural Present The car/cars is are designed. Present perfect The car/cars has been have been designed. Past The car/cars was were designed. Past perfect The car/cars had been had been designed. Future The car/cars will be will be designed. Future perfect The car/cars will have been will have been designed. Present progressive The car/cars is being are being designed. Past progressive The car/cars was being were being designed. A sentence cast in the passive voice will not always include an agent of the action. For instance if a gorilla crushes a tin can, we could say "The tin can was crushed by the gorilla." But a perfectly good sentence would leave out the gorilla: "The tin can was crushed." Also, when an active sentence with an indirect object is recast in the passive, the indirect object can take on the role of subject in the passive sentence: Active Professor Villa gave Jorge an A. Passive An A was given to Jorge by Professor Villa. Passive Jorge was given an A. Only transitive verbs (those that take objects) can be transformed into passive constructions. Furthermore, active sentences containing certain verbs cannot be transformed into passive structures. To have is the most important of these verbs. We can say "He has a new car," but we cannot say "A new car is had by him." We can say "Josefina lacked finesse," but we cannot say "Finesse was lacked." Here is a brief list of such verbs*: resemble look like equal agree with mean contain hold comprise lack suit fit become Verbals in Passive Structures Verbals or verb forms can also take on features of the passive voice. An infinitive phrase in the passive voice, for instance, can perform various functions within a sentence (just like the active forms of the infinitive). • Subject: To be elected by my peers is a great honor. • Object: That child really likes to be read to by her mother. • Modifier: Grasso was the first woman to be elected governor in her own right. The same is true of passive gerunds. • Subject: Being elected by my peers was a great thrill. • Object: I really don't like being lectured to by my boss. • Object of preposition: I am so tired of being lectured to by my boss.

Selasa, 03 April 2012


Most but not all languages have adjectives. Those that do not typically use words of another part of speech, often verbs, to serve the same semantic function; for example, such a language might have a verb that means "to be big", and would use as attributive verb construction analogous to "big-being house" to express what English expresses as "big house". Even in languages that do have adjectives, one language's adjective might not be another's; for example, whereas English uses "to be hungry" (hungry being an adjective), Dutch and French use "honger hebben" and "avoir faim," respectively (literally "to have hunger", hunger being a noun), and whereas Hebrew uses the adjective "זקוק" (zaqūq, roughly "in need of"), English uses the verb "to need".
Adjectives form an open class of words in most languages that have them; that is, it is relatively common for new adjectives to be formed via such processes as derivation. However, Bantu languages are well known for having only a small closed class of adjectives, and new adjectives are not easily derived. Igbo has an extremely limited number, just eight: ukwu 'big', nta 'small'; ojii 'dark', oca 'light'; ohuru 'new', ocye 'old'; oma 'good', ojoo 'bad'.[2] Similarly, native Japanese adjectives (i-adjectives) are a closed class (as are native verbs), though nouns (which are open class) can be used in the genitive and there is the separate class of adjectival nouns (na-adjectives), which is also open, and functions similarly to noun adjuncts in English.
Adjectives and adverbs
Many languages, including English, distinguish between adjectives, which qualify nouns and pronouns, and adverbs, which modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Not all languages have exactly this distinction and many languages, including English, have words that can function as both. For example, in English fast is an adjective in "a fast car" (where it qualifies the noun car), but an adverb in "he drove fast" (where it modifies the verb drove).
Linguists today distinguish determiners from adjectives, considering them to be two separate parts of speech (or lexical categories), but formerly determiners were considered to be adjectives in some of their uses. In English dictionaries, which typically still do not treat determiners as their own part of speech, determiners are often recognizable by being listed both as adjectives and as pronouns. Determiners are words that are neither nouns nor pronouns, yet reference a thing already in context. Determiners generally do this by indicating definiteness (as in a vs. the), quantity (as in one vs. some vs. many), or another such property.
A given occurrence of an adjective can generally be classified into one of four kinds of uses:
  1. Attributive adjectives are part of the noun phrase headed by the noun they modify; for example, happy is an attributive adjective in "happy people". In some languages, attributive adjectives precede their nouns; in others, they follow their nouns; and in yet others, it depends on the adjective, or on the exact relationship of the adjective to the noun. In English, attributive adjectives usually precede their nouns in simple phrases, but often follow their nouns when the adjective is modified or qualified by a phrase acting as an adverb. For example: "I saw three happy kids", and "I saw three kids happy enough to jump up and down with glee." See also Postpositive adjective.
  2. Predicative adjectives are linked via a copula or other linking mechanism to the noun or pronoun they modify; for example, happy is a predicate adjective in "they are happy" and in "that made me happy." (See also: Predicative (adjectival or nominal), Subject complement.)
  3. Absolute adjectives do not belong to a larger construction (aside from a larger adjective phrase), and typically modify either the subject of a sentence or whatever noun or pronoun they are closest to; for example, happy is an absolute adjective in "The boy, happy with his lollipop, did not look where he was going."
  4. Nominal adjectives act almost as nouns. One way this can happen is if a noun is elided and an attributive adjective is left behind. In the sentence, "I read two books to them; he preferred the sad book, but she preferred the happy", happy is a nominal adjective, short for "happy one" or "happy book". Another way this can happen is in phrases like "out with the old, in with the new", where "the old" means, "that which is old" or "all that is old", and similarly with "the new". In such cases, the adjective functions either as a mass noun (as in the preceding example) or as a plural count noun, as in "The meek shall inherit the Earth", where "the meek" means "those who are meek" or "all who are meek".
Adjectival phrases
Main article: Adjectival phrase
An adjective acts as the head of an adjectival phrase. In the simplest case, an adjectival phrase consists solely of the adjective; more complex adjectival phrases may contain one or more adverbs modifying the adjective ("very strong"), or one or more complements (such as "worth several dollars", "full of toys", or "eager to please"). In English, attributive adjectival phrases that include complements typically follow their subject ("an evildoer devoid of redeeming qualities").
Other noun modifiers
In many languages, including English, it is possible for nouns to modify other nouns. Unlike adjectives, nouns acting as modifiers (called attributive nouns or noun adjuncts) are not predicative; a beautiful park is beautiful, but a car park is not "car". In plain English, the modifier often indicates origin ("Virginia reel"), purpose ("work clothes"), or semantic patient ("man eater"). However, it can generally indicate almost any semantic relationship. It is also common for adjectives to be derived from nouns, as in boyish, birdlike, behavioral, famous, manly, angelic, and so on.
Many languages have special verbal forms called participles that can act as noun modifiers. In some languages, including English, there is a strong tendency for participles to evolve into adjectives. English examples of this include relieved (the past participle of the verb relieve, used as an adjective in sentences such as "I am so relieved to see you"), spoken (as in "the spoken word"), and going (the present participle of the verb go, used as an adjective in sentences such as "Ten dollars per hour is the going rate").
Other constructs that often modify nouns include prepositional phrases (as in "a rebel without a cause"), relative clauses (as in "the man who wasn't there"), other adjective clauses (as in "the bookstore where he worked"), and infinitive phrases (as in "a cake to die for").
In relation, many nouns take complements such as content clauses (as in "the idea that I would do that"); these are not commonly considered modifiers, however.
Adjective order
In many languages, attributive adjectives usually occur in a specific order. In general, the adjective order in English is:
  1. quantity or number
  2. quality or opinion
  3. size
  4. age
  5. shape
  6. color
  7. proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
  8. purpose or qualifier
So, in English, adjectives pertaining to size precede adjectives pertaining to age ("little old", not "old little"), which in turn generally precede adjectives pertaining to color ("old white", not "white old"). So, we would say "A nice (opinion) little (size) old (age) white (color) brick (material) house."
This order may be more rigid in some languages than others; in some, like Spanish, it may only be a default (unmarked) word order, with other orders being permissible.
Due partially to borrowings from French, English has some adjectives that follow the noun as postmodifiers, called postpositive adjectives, such as time immemorial. Adjectives may even change meaning depending on whether they precede or follow, as in proper: They live in a proper town (a real town, not a village) vs. They live in the town proper (in the town itself, not in the suburbs). All adjectives can follow nouns in certain constructions, such as tell me something new.
Comparison of adjectives
In many languages, adjectives can be compared. In English, for example, we can say that a car is big, that it is bigger than another is, or that it is the biggest car of all. Not all adjectives lend themselves to comparison, however; for example, the English adjective extinct is not considered comparable, in that it does not make sense to describe one species as "more extinct" than another. However, even most non-comparable English adjectives are still sometimes compared; for example, one might say that a language about which nothing is known is "more extinct" than a well-documented language with surviving literature but no speakers. This is not a comparison of the degree of intensity of the adjective, but rather the degree to which the object fits the adjective's definition.
Comparable adjectives are also known as "gradable" adjectives, because they tend to allow grading adverbs such as very, rather, and so on.
Among languages that allow adjectives to be compared in this way, different approaches are used. Indeed, even within English, two different approaches are used: the suffixes -er and -est, and the words more and most. (In English, the general tendency is for shorter adjectives and adjectives from Anglo-Saxon to use -er and -est, and for longer adjectives and adjectives from French, Latin, Greek, and other languages to use more and most.) By either approach, English adjectives therefore have positive forms (big), comparative forms (bigger), and superlative forms (biggest). However, many other languages do not distinguish comparative from superlative forms.
Main article: Restrictiveness
Attributive adjectives, and other noun modifiers, may be used either restrictively (helping to identify the noun's referent, hence "restricting" its reference) or non-restrictively (helping to describe an already-identified noun). For example:
"He was a lazy sort, who would avoid a difficult task and fill his working hours with easy ones."
"difficult" is restrictive - it tells us which tasks he avoids, distinguishing these from the easy ones: "Only those tasks that are difficult".
"She had the job of sorting out the mess left by her predecessor, and she performed this difficult task with great acumen."
"difficult" is non-restrictive - we already know which task it was, but the adjective describes it more fully: "The aforementioned task, which (by the way) is difficult"
In some languages, such as Spanish, restrictiveness is consistently marked; for example, in Spanish la tarea difícil means "the difficult task" in the sense of "the task that is difficult" (restrictive), whereas la difícil tarea means "the difficult task" in the sense of "the task, which is difficult" (non-restrictive). In English, restrictiveness is not marked on adjectives, but is marked on relative clauses (the difference between "the man who recognized me was there" and "the man, who recognized me, was there" being one of restrictiveness).
In some languages, adjectives alter their form to reflect the gender, case and number of the noun that they describe. This is called agreement or concord. Usually it takes the form of inflections at the end of the word, as in Latin:
puella bona

(good girl, feminine)
puellam bonam
(good girl, feminine accusative/object case)
puer bonus
(good boy, masculine)
pueri boni
(good boys, masculine plural)
In the Celtic languages, however, initial consonant lenition marks the adjective with a feminine noun, as in Irish:
buachaill maith

(good boy, masculine)
girseach mhaith
(good girl, feminine)
Often a distinction is made here between attributive and predicative usage. Whereas English is an example of a language in which adjectives never agree and French of a language in which they always agree, in German they agree only when used attributively, and in Hungarian only when used predicatively.
The good (Ø) boys.

The boys are good (Ø).
Les bons garçons.
Les garçons sont bons.
Die braven Jungen.
Die Jungen sind brav (Ø).
A jó (Ø) fiúk.
A fiúk jók.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Relative Clause

hello readers,

How’s life been treating you? Hari ini saya akan membuat contoh teaching stages dalam pengajaran Relative Clause (Who and Whom) . Perlu diketahui bahwa topik ini mungkin agak sedikit susah bagi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, jadi sebaiknya mengambil contoh-contoh yang ada di sekitar kita saja. berikut contohnya;

Topic : Adjective Clause (Who,Whom)

Teaching aims : Students are able to use this topic in their own sentences and understand the difference between them.

Target Language :

S + WHO + V1(s/es) or V2 + C ex; The boy who wears black t-shirt is my brother.

S + WHOM + O + V1(s/es) or V2 + C ex; The boy whom I met yesterday is my brother.


Teacher will ask his students about hot topics today (it could be politics, infotainment, etc) Ex “Class, do you know Nunun Nurbaeti?” or “Class, do you know Raffi Ahmad?”
Teacher will lead them by using Adjective Clause
Ex “You know Raffi Ahmad, don’t you? The guy who broke up with Yuni Shara”

Teacher will write the sentences above on the white board and he’ll ask again about another topic (Nunun Nurbaeti) but teacher will try to use WHOM
Teacher starts to explain his students (based on Target Language)

Combine the two sentences into one sentences. Make “b” an adjective clause. Use Who or Whom
a. Do you know the people ? b. They live in the green house.
a. The woman gave me some information b. I called her
a. The police officer was friendly b. She gave me directions
a. The man talked a lot b. I met him on the plane
a. The man talked a lot b. He sat next to me
After it’s done, the teacher will discuss it with the students

It’s time for students to make their own sentences.
Teacher will lead this time by using a guessing game. Teacher will say some of famous people’s names and the students will try to make sentences orally
Ex “Dewi Persik” students “The woman who sings dangdut is Dewi Persik”
Ex “Bung Karno” students “The man whom Indonesian people are proud is Bung Karno”

by :

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012


How To Write Business Leter

How To Write Business Leter

Use block style - do not indent paragraphs.
Include address of the person you are writing to at the top of the letter, below your company address.
After the address, double space and include date
Double space (or as much as you need to put the body of the letter in the center) and include the salutation. Include Mr. for men or Ms for women, unless the recipient has a title such as Dr.
State a reference reason for your letter (i.e. 'With reference to our telephone conversation...'
Give the reason for writing (i.e. 'I am writing to you to confirm our order...')
Make any request you may have (i.e. 'I would be grateful if you could include a brochure...'
If there is to be further contact, refer to this contact (i.e. 'I look forward to meeting you at...')
Close the letter with a thank you (i.e. 'Thank you for your prompt help...')
Finish the letter with a salutation (i.e. 'Yours sincerely,')
Include 4 spaces and type your full name and title
sign the letter between the salutation and the typed name and title
Keep the letter brief and to the point
Do not use shortened verb forms - write them out (i.e. 'don't instead of do not')
Always keep a copy of correspondence for future reference

Synopsis Of The Book

Titles of books: Twilight
Figures: Isabella Swan (Kristen Stewart)
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattison)
Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli)
Evenson Esme (Elizabeth Reaser)
Rosalie Hale (Nikki Reed)
Alice Cullen (Ashley Greene)
Jasper Cullen (Jackson Rathbone)
Charlie Swan (Billy Burke)
Author name: Meyer Stephennie
Year of publication: October 5, 2005
Name of publisher: Little, Brown
Place of publication: United States

"About three things that I believe is the truth, the first Edward is a vampire. second, there is a part of him - which I do not know how dominant that part - thirsty for my blood and the third one I fell in love with her very deep and unconditional "
Bella Swan, beautiful girls who have problems in self-confidence and coordination of his own body, recently moved from Phoenix, Arizona that the majority of heat bercuaca to Forks, Washington which the majority of the rainy weather to stay with her father, Charlie, after her mother, Renée, married and lived with her new husband, Phil, a baseball player. After moving to Forks, Bella meets the Cullen keluaga foster child. Emmet, Rossalie, Jasper, Alice and Edward. although they have no blood ties, but they are very similar. four brothers with good looks and remarkable beauty, pale-skinned, has an unmatched elegance and mystique.
In biology class, Bella has no choice but to sit down with Edward Edward Cullen.respon extremely unfriendly, making Bella felt when Edward hated. other than that on the first day, Edward always keep a distance with her, holding her breath and always looked at Bella with a strange look. like something unpleasant smell from Bella herself. After disappearing for a week that Edward and Bella make more sense that he hated her for no apparent reason.
Edward re-emerged in the classroom biologi.Bagai have multiple personalities, he was so friendly and polite to Bella when itu.gadis it realizes there is a change in self-Edward, the color of his eyes. The first time she saw Edward, the handsome man had dark black eye color, and now the color of her eyes and glowed like molten gold.
One morning, when it snows, Bella almost wretched because one of his van - Tyler - almost ran over the girl's body, if Edward did not immediately help. before he saw Edward standing right next to his car and watched him from a considerable distance. but suddenly when the incident occurred, Edward has helped in a very rapid movement, and that makes Bella's surprise, the van that almost hit it too contained a mysterious indentation, as if the van had hit something very hard (Edward's shoulder). lengkukan strange and very fitting on Edward's shoulder. Bella is very confused and believe that there is something about Edward that indicates that maybe he was not human biasa.seperti a hero - superhero - is possible according to his theory, or even exposed to radioactive kryptonite. Bella is always curious to ask about it to Edward, but Edward did not want to explain it and come back to be rude and increasingly distant with Bella.
After a silence during beberepa day Bella, Edward returned to be nice and polite. He apologized and told Bella that they should not have friends, because he was not a good person and bella deny it. Bella believes that Edward behave rude to him not because he was evil but because he was hiding something - like Edward wearing a mask -. Edward invites Bella to go with him and other friends to go to the beach Quilute tribal reservations, first beach, La Push, but Edward politely refused on the grounds that it was too crowded.
At First Beach, Bella meets Jacob Black. which is a little friend that one year a few months younger, but Bella had forgotten. Lauren, one of Bella's friends are not very fond of him began provoked about 'why not invite Bella Edward Cullen'. It was fishing one friend Jacob Black touched on "The Cullens do not come here - the Quileute tribe reservation - this attractive .Hal Bella.Gadis suspicion was cleverly trying mangajak Jacob streets alone with Jacob and then seduced to want to explain the purpose of his speech tadi.karena Jacob considers his tribe is a story about a silly fantasy and Bella had promised not to divulge to anyone, so he told about the legend of his tribe. Quileute tribe is descended from wolves and have only one enemy that is vampir.Menurut their belief it is closely related to the Cullen family where the Cullen family are vampires who make a covenant with his grandfather Jacob - Ephraim Black - to never set foot into the area his tribe.
At home, Bella looking for information about the Vampire because he too has not fully believe it, but he only found a match with what is told Jacob. until the scare stories that haunt his dreams. He also saw Edward sparkling, has fangs and the eyes are calling him dangerous. but Bella was not afraid and that's when Jacob appeared. jacob suddenly turned into a very large brown wolf and Edward pounce. Upon awakening from the nightmare, Bella realized that she could not lose Edward. and Edward was not anything actually important to him. the next day, the morning is bright for forks. the sun shone bright and without clouds, and the Cullen family disappeared. That's when Bella waited in the school garden, but Angela had told him that every sunny weather, the Cullen family will not show up because they - the whole Cullen family - go Hiking.
Bella had long wanted to buy some books. Incidentally Angela and Jessica wanted to go to Port Angels, he also participated. First she accompanied Angela and Jessica into a clothes shop - Angela asked him to give input on what they would buy - and then after selecting clothes, shoes and other trinkets, Bella broke away from them to go to the bookstore. But the book store was not what he expected - too mysterious and impossible to sell a book he was looking for - so he went from store to store looking for another book. Instead of finding that he was looking for, instead he got lost and had come to harm. He was disturbed by some thugs who are drunk. They set him up to the place where he could escape again ttidak. When Bella was stuck thinking about what strategies can help him - such as kicking or meniju collarbone because the faces of the thugs was sure he wanted to run down while screaming he could not make a sound because the lump in his throat -. That's when Edward suddenly come up with Volvo silvernya, speeding and suddenly stopped in front of the thugs that. Penumpangnmya door opened and Edward told Bella Bella to save Edward masuk.Demikianlah again. Bella looked at Edward's face that looked very frantic berbahayadan threatening, but Edward asks Bella to distract him. Bella mentions he would kill Tyler by Tyler crashed his car into the van because he was always bothered Bella Bella due to her guilt crashed the other day. It also managed to divert attention back to the store Edward.Mereka Angels Port Edward after Edward's mood somewhat restrained and met two friends Bella. Since Jessica and Angela had finished dining restaurant, Edward was asked for permission to them to ask Bella to dinner because he was worried about Bella. At the restaurant, the waiters will be amazed Edward's good looks and began courting her. Edward was not mengidahkan servant, her eyes fixed on Bella saja.Ia only request a seat that is privacy. When ordering food, ordering two Edward Coke - both of which were presented to Bella as well -, Bella was ordered mashroom Raviolli and eat them all asking for an explanation that goes against Edward Alak about surprising things he always did to save Bella's life. With the urging Bella, Edward tells Bella how to discover is by reading your mind and follow aromanya.Ia also claim that he can no longer stay away from Bella because he felt no longer able to pretend in front of Bella. He also describes how the talents in Bella Bella and asked to tell what's on his mind - Edward can not read Bella's mind -. In return he asks Bella to tell a new theory about him and Bella in ketahuinya say what about the legend of the Quileute tribe Jacob and Jacob told him everything. Edward stiffened and forced to admit the truth of the story itu.Edward is a vampire, his family is a family of vampires.
"I was the best predators around the world. Everything about me pull dirimu.suaraku, my face, even aromaku. As if I need all of it! As you can run faster than I have! As you can against it" (Edward Cullen )
Bella Swan, an ordinary teenage girl who moved to the town of Forks, a small town a grim, meets Edward Cullen, a mysterious guy who is very charming. The figure perfectly capable of making Bella terpikat.Ternyata, behind the perfection, Edward kept a big secret about the identity dirinya.Bella not realize the danger that awaits him Can he turn away from Edward before it is too late and change his life?
Stephenie Meyer managed to make the readers captivated by the perfect figure Edward.Bahkan when Bella dilemma faced by large, the authors are able to make the reader to feel the inner conflict felt Bella. Unfortunately, this book cover illustration reflects less the book. In addition, the lack of this book is it's too forward feelings of Bella, so the story is a bit too melancholy and lilting.
The first impression upon receiving the book is thick, it feels a bit terrifying novel gets this thick. When I first saw this book sealed in a bookstore, the first thought upon seeing kovernya is the thought of fantasy novels. In the end, after a sequel appeared, I began to hear people talking about this book as a good book. Obviously the more curious. Three quarters of this book contains a story of love and stories about how bad the main character of the vampire who disukain Approximately towards the end of the book, then came conflicts raise enough tension.

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Ciri-ciri Pria yang Penuh Perhatian - Setiap perempuan pasti senang dengan limpahan perhatian dari pasangannya. Namun, tak semua pria diberi kemampuan untuk menunjukkan perhatian ini. Jika pun mereka gemar memberi perhatian, seringkali hanya mereka lakukan saat "pedekate" atau saat masih pacaran. Begitu menikah, segala bentuk perhatian itu langsung sirna.

Nah, jika Anda ingin mengetahui apakah pasangan Anda termasuk pria perhatian, coba amati bagaimana ia selalu menanggapi kata-kata Anda. Anda tak perlu mendengar apa komentarnya. Cukup berfokus pada ekspresi wajahnya ketika mendengarkan keluh-kesah Anda.

Para peneliti dari University of Toronto mengatakan, pria yang mengangguk, tersenyum, dan tampak simpatik ketika mendengarkan keluhan-keluhan orang lain cenderung memiliki gen tertentu yang membuat mereka menjadi pasangan yang penuh perhatian. Sebelumnya, peneliti Amerika dan Canada merekam 23 relawan yang tengah mendengarkan pasangan mereka sedang berkeluh-kesah. Rekaman video itu lalu dipertontonkan tanpa suara kepada lebih dari 100 orang yang tak dikenal, tak lebih dari 20 detik. Mereka lalu diminta menilai seberapa baik, perhatian, dan dapat dipercaya para relawan yang jadi pendengar tersebut.

Pria dan wanita yang dianggap paling hangat oleh para penilai ternyata cenderung memiliki gen yang dikaitkan dengan kadar oksitosin (hormon "perhatian") yang tinggi. Hormon ini memberikan sifat sensitif dan penuh perhatian pada orang lain.

"Penemuan kami menunjukkan bahwa variasi genetik yang kecil pun bisa memberikan pengaruh yang nyata para perilaku manusia, dan bahwa perbedaan perilaku ini akan cepat diamati oleh orang lain," tutur ketua tim penulis, Aleksandr Kogan.

Semua pasangan menjalani uji genetik sebelum video direkam untuk melihat tipe oksitosin yang mereka miliki, entah versi G yang dikaitkan dengan perilaku perhatian, atau versi A yang dihubungkan dengan sikap egois dan ketrampilan sosial yang rendah. Versi A juga dikaitkan dengan sikap gemar mengambil risiko, mudah stres di situasi sosial, dan autisme. Ada pula versi AG, yang merupakan kombinasi keduanya.

Dari 10 orang yang dinilai oleh orang tak dikenal sebagai yang paling tidak perhatian dan dapat dipercaya, 9 di antaranya hanya mempunyai versi A. Sedangkan mereka yang dinilai paling perhatian (yang cenderung mengangguk dan tersenyum ketika mendengarkan kisah orang lain), enam di antaranya hanya memiliki versi G.

Nah, sifat perhatian dan gen versi G paling jelas terlihat pada pria, demikian menurut studi yang diterbitkan di jurnal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ini.

Klik di sini untuk melihat galeri foto koleksi busana Danar Hadi di Jakarta Fashion Week 2012.

Sumber: The Daily Mail

Badai Matahari Bukan Kiamat

Sekedar informasi ajah nih

JAKARTA, - Aktivitas Matahari diperkirakan akan memuncak pada pertengahan tahun 2012 hingga tahun 2013. Peningkatan aktivitas bintang di Tata Surya itu berpotensi meningkatkan frekuensi badai Matahari, lontaran energi tinggi ke lingkungan sekitar Matahari.

Aktivitas di jejaring sosial twitter ramai oleh peringatan akan dampak badai Matahari pada kemusnahan makhluk hidup Bumi. Badai Matahari dituding sebagai salah satu penguat terjadinya kiamat 2012.

@Lukuk_Wae misalnya, mengatakan, "Kiamat 2012 diawali dengan badai Matahari. Benarkah?

Kepala Observatorium Bosscha Hakim L Malasan saat dihubungi Selasa (3/1/2012) mengatakan bahwa fenomena badai Matahari hendaknya tidak dikaitkan dengan kiamat sebab keduanya tak berhubungan sama sekali.

"Badai Matahari berpotensi mengganggu komunikasi dan berdampak pada satelit. Tapi, badai Matahari sama sekali tak mengakibatkan kemusnahan. Jadi, badai Matahari akan mengakibatkan kiamat itu tidak benar," jelas Hakim.

Hakim memaparkan bahwa peningkatan aktivitas Matahari yang memacu kejadian badai Matahari sudah berlangsung sejak Matahari ada miliaran tahun lalu. Nyatanya, walaupun aktivitas Matahari meningkat dan memicu badai Matahari, kiamat tidak terjadi.

Terkait kemusnahan kehidupan akibat Matahari, astrofisikawan Lembaga Antariksa dan Penerbangan Nasional (LAPAN), Thomas Djamaluddin, mengatakan bahwa mungkin hal tersebut baru terjadi sekitar 5 miliar tahun lagi.

"Umur bintang seperti Matahari diperkirakan 10 miliar tahun. Sekarang Matahari sudah sekitar 4,5 miliar tahun. Jadi masih 5 miliar tahun lagi. Nanti Matahari akan menjadi bintang raksasa merah dan menelan planet terdekat, Merkurius, Venus dan mungkin Bumi. Saat itu kehidupan di Bumi sudah tidak ada," jelas Thomas.

Menurut Hakim, saat ini yang harus diwaspadai adalah dampak badai Matahari pada komunikasi, perbankan dan satelit. Bosscha sudah melakukan pemantauan aktivitas Matahari namun kewajiban proteksi terhadap dampaknya tergantung pada respon pemerintah.

"Saya tidak tahu apakah satelit kita seperti Palapa itu sudah diproteksi terhadap dampak badai Matahari. Ini yang perlu jadi perhatian, " kata Hakim. Dampak lain yang harus diantisipasi adalah jika terjadi induksi magnetik yang bisa merusak listrik